Managing the Horse with IMM/MYHM
Horses experiencing an acute episode (extreme muscle loss within a period of 24 – 48 hours, especially over their topline), need urgent care by a veterinarian. Corticosteroids are required to stop the muscle loss process. A typical treatment consists of 3 days of dexamethasone (0.05 mg/kg), followed by 7-10 days of prednisolone (1 mg/kg) that can be decreased over the course of a month by 100mg a week. Researchers of Michigan State University recommend taking a blood sample and prescribe antibiotics in the case of leukocytosis, hyperfibrinogemia or lymphadenopathy.
The milder expression of symptoms in a horse with IMM/MYHM can be similar to those of a horse with PSSM2/MIM and requires similar management and medical attention in case of milder episodes.