References / Links

Audio and Video on PSSM research 

Seminar series on muscle disease in horses by Dr. Molly McCue of the University of Minnesota (July 2020):
Part 1: Introduction on muscle disease in horses: 
Part 2: PSSM
Part 3: RER & MFM:
Part 4: HYPP & IMM:

Podcast by Paul Szauter, Chief Science Officer of EquiSeq, on PSSM 1 and 2 (2020):

Presentation by Prof. Stephanie Valberg on PSSM (2017, on PSSM 1 en 2):


Scientific Research into PSSM


University of Minnesota:
University of Michigan:

The University of Minnesota is doing a large scale research project into muscle disease in horses. As a horse owner, you can participate if you have a horse with muscle related issues. Worldwide participation is welcomed.



Animal Genetics, Florida, USA or UK (PSSM1 and IMM):
Dr. Van Haeringen Laboratorium,  Wageningen, NL (PSSM1):
Laboklin, Germany (PSSM1 en IMM):
EquiSeq (myopathy/MIM panel; EU + UK licence owned by Generatio/CAG in Germany): 
Generatio/Center for Animal Genetics, Germany -not related to Animal Genetics in Florida or the UK! (PSSM1, MIM/PSSM2, IMM)):


Social Media

There are quite a few Facebook groups dedicated to PSSM and MIM by now, but the main and biggest one remains the original Facebook group: .